Sunday, December 15, 2019

Yoga of Selfless Action

Yoga of selfless Action
                   .    ( Nishkam Karm Yog)
Lord Krishna explains that no one can refrain from activity even for a moment. Inactive persons cannot maintain even their existence. One who externally restrains his hands, legs and other senses of action, is a fool. Know him to be hypocrite. He advises us to perform our prescribed duties, since to be active is better than idleness.
Superior is the person who has stabilized his senses by mind and engaged in the yoga of selfless action. Lord Krishna says that the Yoga of selfless action leads one to become my devotee, who is guaranteed all his necessities to be fulfilled by God.

Selfless duty performed as an Offering to the Supreme Lord is called Sacrifice or YAJNA. All action performed for any other purpose is the cause of bondage in the world of repeated births and death. 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Bhagwad Gita in brief

Bhagwad Gita in brief.
It has been rightly said that Bhagavad Gita is activation for the lazy, courage for the fearful, hope for the hopeless and new life for the dying and a guide for leading a successful life in all fields. While the main purpose of Lord Krishna is to encourage and prepare Arjuna for his fight for the right against injustice, the  basic concepts of  life and death, body and soul, soul and supersoul,  knowledge, happiness and fulfillment, non attachment and peace, selfless action, fruitless action, avoidance of ego and anger, controlling senses and getting rid of delusion(Maya), wisdom and qualities of wise persons, renunciation and sacrifice, meditation and realization, God, His omnipresence and His power of dominance and excellence over everything animate and inanimate, creation, sustenance, destruction, Time and Death as God, merciful and miraculous uplifting of all, devotion and God's loving kindness of assuring fulfillment of devotees' all needs, faith and human nature, liberation from results of action,  cycle of birth, illness, old age and death have all been explained in His one to one conversation with Arjuna.  It is a must read by every one, irrespective of his faith, religion and belief.