Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana's programme for Chakauti -Slow Progress

1  Coverage Category(Un-Electrified/De-Electrified/Electrified)  ---  Electrified (?)Electrified
2  No.of Rural Household(RHH) Connections to be Released               131 131 
3  No.of BPL Connections to be Released                                             3535 
4  No. of Distribution Transformers(DTs) to be Installed*                          1 
5   Capacity(KVA) of Distribution Transformers(DTs) to be Installed*      25.0025.00
6   Length (Km) of 11KV Line to be Erected *                                          0.500.50
7  Length(Km) of LT Line to be Erected*                                                0.30 0.30


  1. Who is the Contractor? Why is he delaying it so much? Why has the Village Chakauti been declared electrified, when all the above are in the planning stage only for several decades?

    Residents of the Dark Corner of India

  2. हम सब गाँव के लोग ही जिम्मेवार हैं इसके लिए.......आशा है कि इस बार दुर्गापूजा में गाँव जाके कुछ सार्थक हल निकालें हमलोग इस समस्या का....
