Friday, October 16, 2009

सौरशक्ति ऊवाच

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु,शक्तिरूपेण संस्थिता ! 
नमस्तस्यै,नमस्तस्यै,नमस्तस्यै,नमो नमः!!
I had an idea while chanting शिवसहस्त्रनाम  by राजर्षि भागीरथ from देवीपुराण(महाभागवत). King भागीरथ went for penance and prayer to Lord शिव  with a view to help out his forefathers and ancestors’ from their decline and miserable state by requesting the Lord to allow गंगा to descend on earth and then proceed to पाताललोक  to salvage the souls of his forefathers and ancestors.

I, on my part, can at least pray Lord शिव and Mother शक्ति and through them to all those who can help bring energy(solar and electrical) to  village चकौती  so that energy can bring life to the village which is devoid of activities for want of energy. I do know that for want of energy there is very little developmental activities and the people who can, do flee the village in seach of education, job and livelihood. Only those people stay in the village who cannot manage livelihood elsewhere. Lack of development leads to Poverty, destitution, and illnesses which further retard  education, health care, food, sanitation,living standard, transportation, communication and what not. Thus, I desire to  bring energy to the village. The noble cause I need to pursue immediately.

Thus, I have been in touch with the Ministries of Power as well as Non Conventional Energy in the Governments of India and Bihar to expedite electrification of the Village and provision of Solar lights to the village for the last three years.

During this दुर्गा पूजा , I was glad to note that there has been progress in the development work in this direction and several people in the village are taking active interest in it.May Mother Goddress Bring Peace Progress and Prosperity to the Village.

दीपावली  2009
तमसो  म़ा ज्योतिर्गमय 

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