Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chakauti Children need education, health energy and sanitation

Solar-powered drip irrigation enables women farmers in two villages in Benin, West Africa, to end hunger and send their children to school. This innovative pilot project by the Solar Electric Light Fund is ready to expand to 42 more villages in Benin, with the help of donations to fight hunger.

Chakauti, the dark corner of India, is no better than villages in Benin or Burundi. No one knows better about this fact than the current Mukhia ji, Shri  Vinod Manjhi  and his associates who have been given the responsibility to provide solar lights in the village as well as various other development projects by the Nitish Government. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Various Sections of Chakauti Haat

Chakauti's Amoli Madhyamic Vidyalaya :Middle School upgraded as High School

Though the level of education in Amoli Madhyamik Vidyalaya has been upgraded to high school, the standard of teaching has fallen down to a very low level due to the lack of supervision by the teachers. To increase  the number of students in the records of the school, as it draws more grant from the Government on  various promotional programmes for students, including Mid-day Meals programme, there is more emphasis on the meals programme and thereafter the kids are let loose to go  home or whereever they want to, giving free time for the teachers to indulge in their personal affairs. This has led to indiscipline in the school. The basic purpose of the school, i.e. education is lost.  

As a result, a large number of private unorganised teaching centres have mushroomed in and around Chakauti.

    • December 27, 2011 at 5:30am ·
    • Rupesh Kumar Thakur shikshak sab ke t barka vybsaay chhai, ek vidhyarthi ke naam bahut school me darj chhai- vidhyarthi ke madhyaan bhojan v dress ke paisa shikshak sab kha jai chhai
      December 27, 2011 at 5:45am · 
    • Rupesh Kumar Thakur aee sthiti me vidhayarthi ke naam kena hatal jetai- dhandha chaupat........
      December 27, 2011 at 6:01am · 

Karmachariji( Revenue Official) : Md. Zaki Ahmed in his Office in Sauriya

with his open tobacco tainted palm, always spread  with demand for greasing it by villagers of Chakuti for any government. 

Is there any Anna Hazare in Chakauti  to look after him?

Government's upliftment plan for Scheduled Castes uplifts Shri Vinod Manjhi: Chakauti Ex Mukhiya

Vinod Manjhi, former  Mukhiya had an uphill task this time in the 2011 Panchayat Elections.  Govt's Rural Development Assistance  reached very few BPL families under his regime. He developed large number of rivals and was defeated in 2011 Mukhiya Election. Please read details on Mukhiyaji on Chakauti Village Blogspot.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ranju Geeta, MLA elected by Chakauti in Bajpatti Constituency

JD(U) candidate
Ranju Geeta
declared the Winner

Ranju Geeta is the MLA from JD(U)  Party  for Bajpatti Assembly Constituency (Sitamarhi District) 2010 Bihar Legislative Assembly  

Full NameRanju Geeta




Chakauti remains Dark Corner of India despite Kudos received by Nitish in 2010 Assembly Elections
A transformer was installed in Durga Sthan  without providing electricity. It lies defunct for more than a year. State Bank of India in Chakauti and few houses in the neighbourhood of the bank  have drawn electricity from a neighbouring village.  But rest of the dwelling units in the entire village still remain dark unelectrified.  This defies any reasoning. The State Government's resources in putting up the transformer in the village has been lying a total waste for such a long time, while the leaders have come and gone doing their election rounds and propaganda.

The Central Government's Ministry of Power's promise to the villagers remains empty even in the eleventh plan.
I would like to call upon the concerned officials and draw the attention of Ms. Ranju Geeta the newly elected MLA from Baajpatti Constituency under whose charge Village Chakauti falls, to look into the serious situation on this dark corner of India.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Gajadhar Thakur of Chakauti Congress lost to Ranju Gita of JD(U) in Assembly Elections

Shri Gajadhar Thakur, S/O Shri TRIVENI THAKUR  of Village Chakauti was a Congress candidate  in the 2010 Bihar Assembly Elections.

Criminal Cases
 Votes polled
10th Pass
Post Graduate
Ranju Geeta     
Ravinder Kumar Sahi  IND                                                  10428   

Sarwat Jahan wanted to get Congress ticket from Bajpatti constituency, she opposed party decision to field Gajadhar Thakur. She said that Muslims are in large number here but party has given ticket to a Brahman whose community is in little number. The constituency has 32.98% Muslim voters.

Gajadhar Thakur got fourth position in the Assembly elections 2010 
and lost the seat to the JD(U)'s Ranju Geeta.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ajit Kumar's resolve to contribute to Chakauti Development

Heartily congratulation for initiating such kind of issues using electronic media like Internet. I don't know so many people in Chakauti in spite of I belongs to Chakauti. Myself Ajit Kumar son of Shri Bhola Nath Thakur of Pubari tola, Hope you know my father. I am also very much worried about Chakauti due to bad infrastructure and crime. I want to contribute efforts for development & welfare of my motherland. Plz let me know if I can do something. Thanks and regards. Ajit Kumar 

Bhaskar Girijanand Vats ( भास्कर वत्स): Chakauti's Pride in Mumbai

भास्कर  वत्स  मुंबई में   श्री  स्वस्तिक  इंजीनियरिंग में वरिस्थ कार्यपालक अधिकारी छथि .   हुनकर प्रगति विवरण जानक लेल अधोलिखित लिंक के क्लिक करू :

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bihar Renewable Energy Development Agency & “Electrification of one lakh villages and one crore households”.

Bihar Renewable Energy Development Agency - BREDA has been established to promote development of schemes on non- conventional energy sources. It has been nominated as nodal agency to carry out the remote village electrification programme. The State Govt. provides plan funds to BREDA for expenditure on subsidies for the schemes and also for the expenditures on establishment.

Non-Conventional Energy Sources - BREDA has been implementing programme of non-conventional energy sources for schemes are bio-gas development, SPV systems of Lanterns/Home lighting systems/street lighting systems, and wind mills. Under the Border Area Development Programme, BREDA has implemented a scheme of solar street lighting system in 40 villages along the International Border in the Border.

In case you need any help regarding Solar Energy in Bihar, please call on Director, BREDA - Tel: (0612)-2228734. Fax: (0612)-2233572.

Rural Electrification - As per the Govt. of India programme for electrification of all villages by 2009, in the State of Bihar schemes for village electrification are being carried out under different programmes.
Electrification of 2,600 villages in the districts of Vaishali and Muzaffarpur under the Minimum Needs Programme on the occasion of the 2,600 Birth Anniversary of Lord Mahavir.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana 340 virgin villages are being electrified and rehabilitation of electricity system is being done in 210 villages. In each of these villages one Dalit Basti is to be provided by electricity connections.
To take up cent percent of the electrification in the State, the State Govt. has entered into a quadripartite agreement with Rural Electrification Corporation (REC), BSEB and the GOl power sector undertakings of Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. (PGCIL) and National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC). This programme is being implemented under the GOl scheme for Electrification of one lakh villages and one crore households”. The funding for this scheme is being made by REC as grant and loan components. The central undertakings are implementing the rural e1ectrification works in the 36 districts, with NHPC taking up works in West Champaran, East Champaran, Sitamarhi, Sheohar, Darbhanga, Samastipur and Madhubani. The remaining  districts are being taken up by PGCIL.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chakauti Durga Puja 2009

जयंती मंगला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी 
दुर्गा क्षमा शिवा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोस्तुते I
शरणागत दीनार्त परित्राण परायणे
सर्वस्यार्ति हरे देवी नारायणी नमोस्तुते  II

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana's programme for Chakauti -Slow Progress

1  Coverage Category(Un-Electrified/De-Electrified/Electrified)  ---  Electrified (?)Electrified
2  No.of Rural Household(RHH) Connections to be Released               131 131 
3  No.of BPL Connections to be Released                                             3535 
4  No. of Distribution Transformers(DTs) to be Installed*                          1 
5   Capacity(KVA) of Distribution Transformers(DTs) to be Installed*      25.0025.00
6   Length (Km) of 11KV Line to be Erected *                                          0.500.50
7  Length(Km) of LT Line to be Erected*                                                0.30 0.30

Chakauti : Solar Light in Chakreshwari Sthan

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु शक्ति रूपेण संस्थिता,
 नमस्तस्यै, नमस्तस्यै, नमस्तस्यै, नमो नमः 


ॐ त्रयम्बकम यजामहे सुगंधिम पुष्टिवर्धनम ,
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनात,मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात ॐ 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

CHAKAUTI'S TECHNO-BRAIN: करिश्मा सॉफ्टवेर के प्रोजेक्ट लीडर श्री मनोज कुमार झा

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Proud Father of a Worthy Son : lives North of Chakauti Durga Sthan

शंकर कुमार झा : चकौती के युवा वैज्ञानिक स्वित्ज़रलैंड में

Shankar Kumar Jha,27, (शंकर  कुमार झा) a prominent scientist  in Switzerland (स्वित्ज़रलैंड) was born in  village Chakauti(चकौती). Currently he is a Scientific Assistant and working as PhD student at Swiss Federal Institue of Technology- Zurich (ETH-Zurich). 

He secured excellent position in GATE (Physics) and so joined IIT-Delhi for M. Tech in Applied Optics. While at IIT he did his   M. Tech. project from Technical Universty-Berlin, Germany. Young Shankar received his early  education from Hyderabad and did his his high school graduation from St. Arnolds High School there in 1999. He did his Intermediate education from MNR Junior College with MPC in 2001 and  B. Sc (Physics) and M. Sc (with major in Photonics) from Sri Sathya Sai University in 2006.  

श्री  जयचंद्र  झा
Proud Father of a Worthy Son

He  comes  from a family background where  self esteem and family values have raised their standard high.  His  father, Shri Jaychandra Jha, is well respected in  Chakauti Panchayat. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

सौरशक्ति सs मिथिला क औद्योगिक विकास

                                  मिथिलांचलक चकौती   में सौरशक्ति स विकास क आस      
Solar Panels and Windows

Solar Panels

आर्थिक एवं औद्योगिक रूपसँ अत्यंत पिछड़ल, किंतु बौद्धिक रुपसँ पर्याप्त उन्नत मिथिला क्षेत्रेमे एहेन असंख्य समस्या सभ अछि, जे संपूर्ण देशेमे नहि अछि;ओ सब मात्र एहि ठामक क्षेत्रीय समस्या थिक। सामाजिक मान्यता, रूढ़ि, आ पारंपरिक आचारक कैकटा बद्धमूल विडंबना मिथिलांचलक जन-जीवनमे व्याप्त आछि। कृषि-कर्म पूर्णतया प्रकृति पर निर्भर अछि, औद्योगिक विकास शून्य अछि, वाणिज्यक बाट बंद अछि, तकनीकी शिक्षाक संभावना क्षीण अछि, रोजगारक मार्ग अवरुद्ध अछि, धार्मिक आ सांप्रदायिक पाखंड पराकाष्ठा पर, दहेज आ निर्धनता प्रचुर मात्रामे; यौन विकृति, यौन शोषण, श्रमक अवमूल्यन, छुआछूत, जाति-विभेद, कौलिक विभेद, मानवीय संबंधक अवमूल्यन, निठल्लापन, चुगलखोरी, परनिंदा, दियादी डाह, अंधविश्वास...अइ समस्त परिस्थितिसँ संघर्ष करैत मैथिलजन अपन जीवन-यापन करैत अछि आ अपन भूमिसँ पलायन क’ कए जीवन रक्षाक आधार जुटबैत अछि

पछिला साल चकौती में कतहु-कतहु सौरऊर्जा स संचालित बत्ती सब लागल.किछु लोकनी अपना घरो में सोलर लाल्टेम लागौलथि.सोलर पंखा आ सोलर वाटर पम्प  सेहो आबे बला  छई अई साल.   

सौरशक्ति स मिथिलांचलक जन-जीवनमे नब स्फूर्ति आओत.   बच्चा सभ सांझ खन इजोत में बेसी काल पढ़त. खेत पटत, सौरशक्ति स कृषि उद्योग बढ़त,   लघु उद्योग बढ़त, घर में टीवी चलत कंप्यूटर चलत.


Chakauti in wikimapia